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Web Design Tips for Mobile-Friendliness

Web design has become increasingly important in the recent years. So have Smartphones. They are a great way for us to browse the internet. According to a recent study, mobile users account for 55.3% of website visits, while desktop users make up the rest. Whether it is scrolling through a social media app or browsing a website, we all want to have a fun time. So how does one create a web design that is mobile-friendly and has a positive user experience? The following tips will help you get started!
Tip 1: Make Navigation as Simple as Possible
Your website’s navigation system plays a significant role in the overall user experience. Websites with smooth functionality and simple navigation make browsing more enjoyable. To achieve this, you can minimise the elements on your page and create a more aesthetically pleasing web design.
Tip 2: Get Rid of All the Clutter
If the webpage is overloaded with a lot more elements and pages than necessary, visitors may find it overwhelming and have to click more times to find what they’re looking for. Using drop-down menus and multiple pages, you can display long content on one page. Make content that is eye-catching and to the point. Use proper visual structure to make it look clean and organised. After all, less is more.
Tip 3: Minimalism is the Key
Nowadays, websites are well-organised, clutter-free, and simple, reflecting the minimalism trend. Minimalism can be used to your advantage by eliminating certain elements and letting the rest pop out. This kind of web design looks less cluttered and is easy on the eye, especially on mobile devices.
Tip 4: Have a Readable Font
It is important to choose a font that is clear and readable. Users will be able to focus on your website for longer periods of time if your typeface is attractive and easy on their eyes, specifically when it comes to blogging and long content. Keep an attention-grabbing font for the shorter titles and things you want to pop out.
Tip 5: Don’t forget the basics
When designing a website, we can get so lost in the nitty-gritty of things that we forget the simple things. In addition to having eye-catching animations and a well-designed logo, a mobile-friendly website should also be responsive with attractive colours and should feature clear CTAs. Also, make sure to collect feedback from your website visitors because it will undoubtedly help you build their trust and will be profitable in the long run.
We hope you find our tips helpful!
Would you like your website to be Mobile-friendly? Well, say no more. Agaetis Technologies can create a mobile-friendly version of your site to meet the demands of the rapidly changing world. Connect with us today!