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Web Design Tips for Engagement and Sales

Website Design

Web design creates the first impression for your customers. Over 85% of users evaluate the credibility of your website and form trust based on how it looks. Visitors will shy away from your site if your design is outdated. As the saying goes, “first impressions are lasting impressions.” Don’t worry though, we have some web design tips for you!

But first, what is User Engagement & How does Web Design affect it?

The design of a website plays a critical role in the user experience. You are more likely to attract visitors and keep them on your site longer if your website is attractive. You can design your website in such a way that it encourages visitors not just to scroll more but also to return more often. Your company’s revenue grows as a result of increased user engagement, which leads to more sales. The question is, how do you do that?

Luckily, we have some Web Design tips and tricks to share with you!
What are your favourite webs design tips? Let us know!

Find out more about Web design tips here!

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