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Do These Things Every Sunday For A More Productive Week

Productive Sunday - Plan your week ahead

It is universally agreed that Saturdays are for chilling, binge-watching your favourite shows and Kdramas, or going out with friends. It’s a different story on Sunday, though! There is nothing worse than a Sunday becoming a pre-Monday, filled with anxiety for the work week ahead. So what can we do to fix that and be productive? 

There is more to rest than just physical health. Your brain will work overtime even if you spend the entire day worrying while lounging on the couch. The right amount of mental rest is essential for a healthy brain. You can do so much more when you give both your body and mind enough rest and relaxation. 

All of this can be accomplished by making the most of a joyful, leisurely, yet productive Sunday so that next week will be more fruitful.

Here are a few tips to get you started:
  1. Start your Mornings Early

Ahh! You only have two weekdays to rest, and here we are asking you not to sleep in. But hold on! In order to be productive, you must start from scratch. Early mornings give you a sense of accomplishment because you’ve started your day off right. You now have all the time you need to follow the next steps, create your to-do list, and plan how to spend your week. 

  1. Plan your Week Ahead

Start planning your week on Sunday itself and work your way up to the hour, whether you’re doing dishes, laundry, or spending time doing your favourite hobby. Plan your week starting on Sunday, and then proceed to the week after that. Prepare a list of all the significant things you need to do and schedule them according to their importance and priorities on your calendar. Make sure you are as precise and detailed as possible. Your productivity increases significantly when you plan, organise, and structure your daily routines for the week ahead.

  1. Declutter your Space

Having a cluttered home, desk, etc., does not make anyone happy. A clean place adds up to a clean mind. Chaos in the environment simply triggers our subconscious brain to go haywire. So make sure you spend a couple of minutes cleaning, organising, and decluttering your space. Your week ahead will be easier to manage because you’ve eased the process and completed chores for your future self.

  1. Reflect on your Goals

What do you want to achieve in the next week, month, or year? What does the future version of you look like? Envision all of your goals for the short term as well as in the long run, then take one step at a time towards achieving them. Reflecting not only makes you feel confident but also gives you a solid purpose to move forward. You’re more motivated to accomplish your goal when you have a goal-oriented mindset.

  1. Self-care is the Best Care

Doing self-care activities is absolutely essential, whether it’s taking an hour-long bath or applying a face mask, practising meditation, reading, taking a leisurely stroll, listening to a soothing podcast, or venting to your best friend. Just make sure you’re spending that time doing something for yourself. Self-care is a valuable investment. And the most valuable asset you have is yourself.

Though Sundays are not meant for work, these activities barely cut a few hours from your day but save you a lot of work for the rest of the week. With a planned week on your calendar and all your priority tasks sorted, you’re ready to begin your new week!

Read more about Productivity here!

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