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Web Design Tips for Engagement and Sales

By Team Agaetis, February 6, 2023
Website Design

Web design creates the first impression for your customers. Over 85% of users evaluate the credibility of your website and form trust based on how it looks. Visitors will shy away from your site if your design is outdated. As the saying goes, “first impressions are lasting impressions.” Don’t worry though, we have some web design tips for you!

But first, what is User Engagement & How does Web Design affect it?

The design of a website plays a critical role in the user experience. You are more likely to attract visitors and keep them on your site longer if your website is attractive. You can design your website in such a way that it encourages visitors not just to scroll more but also to return more often. Your company’s revenue grows as a result of increased user engagement, which leads to more sales. The question is, how do you do that?

Luckily, we have some Web Design tips and tricks to share with you!
  • Quick Responsiveness is the New Standard!
    In the fast-moving world, we are quick to scroll down a reel on Instagram if the video is not engaging or if a photo doesn’t interest us on Pinterest. Even these social media sites are curated by algorithms based on our experience. Similarly, if a website’s design is slow to load, unresponsive, or takes too long, users might skip to another page out of impatience. It’s all about speed now.
  • CTAs must Pop out!
    A click away from your product sales, your CTAs need to pop out and grab the user’s attention. If you design CTAs that are easy to find and engage your audience, you will get more people to click on them, resulting in more sales. Place the CTAs directly on top of the user’s screen and make sure they’re visible as well as catchy. Too many CTAs can overwhelm the user, so make sure your website’s design includes CTAs but not too many of them. The CTAs should also have clear descriptions that guide the users and instantly tell them where the CTA is taking them. This will ensure users don’t get lost along the way.
  • Create Captivating Visuals
    Designing a website is all about creating visuals that are striking and catch the eye of visitors. You can use themes, graphics, media, and quotes to create your own unique style. Be sure not to overcrowd your space with too many graphics, and make good use of white space. The more attractive your website is, the more time your users will spend browsing your pages and menus.
  • Aesthetics with Functionality
    The design of your website and its functionality go hand in hand. Make sure you don’t forget the basics when it comes to your website’s functionality. Having a smooth and intuitive navigation system is important for an easy browsing experience. For aesthetics, use a specific colour palette and incorporate Colour Psychology to make your brand stand out from the rest. Customers tend to recognise your website more easily when you use a specific colour palette. It is possible to create the ideal user experience for your visitors when you integrate and balance both aesthetics and functionality into your web design.
  • Integrate Live chats and Chat Bots
    It is common for us to have several questions about a product before we decide to buy it and to want them answered as soon as possible. By using AI bots to automate your website engagement and integrating live chat into your website, users can interact with you and get their doubts cleared at the same time. Not only does this increase interaction and user engagement, it also leads to customer satisfaction. Customers are highly satisfied with companies that offer live chat. As a result, there is less user frustration and a higher conversion rate for sales.
  • Personalised Communication
    The goal of personalising your communication is not just to convey a message but to make it relatable to your website visitors. Be clear about what you sell and how it benefits your website visitors in order to make your value proposition clear to customers. Subscribers to your website can be added to a special mailing list, and you can send them weekly messages. Your website user may also feel as if they are receiving special treatment when they visit your site.
  • Feature related content
    It is common for Ecommerce websites to use related purchases in order to keep visitors browsing and buying. Your website can also redirect relevant pages, products, and blog posts to a new page by creating backlinks. Through the use of this kind of web design, visitors become more engaged and are encouraged to explore the different pages and browse different options.
  • Offers and Discounts Banners
    Having offers, discounts, coupons, and various sales on your website is the best way to entice your customers and spice things up. Often, banners appear at the top of web pages to draw the user in instantly. The trick is to offer a discount to get people to buy your products. Over time, you will not only increase sales but also build a strong online presence.
  • Showcase your Reviews and Testimonials
    Customer reviews hold a lot of power when it comes to sales and marketing your products. Good reviews, opinions, and five-star ratings automatically make you trustworthy in the eyes of your customers. Incorporating this into your marketing strategy not only increases buyer confidence but can also increase conversions by reaffirming the buyer’s choice. As a result, your website will become more reputable in the long run.
  • Integrate Social Media
    Today, social media makes it easy to connect with people. There is no need to worry about getting leads and having a big mailing list like in the old days. Social media followers can now be turned into website visitors and vice versa. It not only keeps your previous customers in the loop but also makes new users visit your website more often. You can keep in touch, add updates, announce events, offer discounts, and more with just a click.
What are your favourite webs design tips? Let us know!

Find out more about Web design tips here!


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About Agaetis

The word Agaetis means excellence. Keeping up with the name, we at Agaetis Technologies are firm believers in sparing no effort to deliver excellence through our work. Our websites are crafted with love and care that enables our clients to engage with visitors on a higher plane.


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