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My Company Needs a Website… Does It?

You will hardly argue that presence on the Internet is important for all types of businesses. Benefits of having a website are obvious, yet some companies don’t invest in website design at all.

It’s true that in recent years there has been a shift toward online interactions with social media sites, mobile devices and apps topping the charts. As a result, the way people access the web to shop, chat and find information has also changed dramatically. Businesses of all shapes and sizes have had to adapt their web presence to stay in front of their consumers.

So with all the digital and social advancements, why is web development still important? These reasons outline why your website is key to building a successful online presence for your business.

Maintaining Ownership

It’s critical to protect your brand identity by owning your web address and website. This will avoid surrendering control of your brand to a third party website and their ads. Remember, owning your own domain name and using a reputable host company is just as important as choosing the domain name itself.

Control Your Content With Good Web Development

With good web development, you control the user experience, manage content relevancy and your conversion process.

Good content is what sets your website apart from everyone else and delivers the right message to your customers. Website content always begins with proper market research where you identify your high-value customers. From there you can start defining personas for your website.

Attracting Search Traffic

Website traffic is an important indicator and driver of business growth and really helps you to:

  1. Determine ROI to see how well your marketing is working
  2. Gather insight into your audience to make informed decisions
  3. Improve your SEO and search engine credibility
  4. Generate more leads, increase conversions, and get more customers overall

Monitor, Tweak and Improve

Effective web development gives you the ability to accurately analyse website statistics. It includes measuring conversion rates, monitoring backlinks and assessing visitor engagement, all of which are essential to improve all your online marketing activities. The goal is to ultimately achieve a return on your web investment and integrating Google Analytics

Does my business need a website if I’m on social media?

Maybe you already have a Facebook page and some pretty good reviews on social media. Lots of business owners assume that a social media profile for their business is enough. 

But there are some problems with this strategy. First, you’ll always be dependent on the social media platform you choose. Algorithms change, rules change, and what’s working one day might not work a few weeks from now (as many businesses who depended on Facebook have recently learned).  If you have a website, it belongs to you, and you control the content and the message.

To summarize, having your very own website is a must if you want to grow your business. It’s easier than ever to get one! 

Drop us an email and we can help you set it up

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