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5 tips to stay productive while working from home

Have a to-do list

It’s important to create a daily to-do list before you start the day. You can use a tool like wunderlist or even just write it down. This will help you distribute your time better, is practical and also makes you feel good when you check a task off the list!

Set a dedicated workspace

Find a good space in your house. One of the perks of working from home is you can create a personalised workspace. You can make a space with everything in your reach, add elements that create a calming environment.

Keep yourself hydrated

Research says that if you don’t stay hydrated throughout the day, your energy levels and brain function start to suffer. It’s important to keep hydrating yourself and drink at least 3 litres of water a day. It helps to keep a water bottle handy.

Set Boundaries

One of the most important aspects of a healthy work from home routine is setting boundaries. Set fixed working hours to allow yourself downtime to create a healthy work-life balance.

Avoid Distractions

It’s no surprise that when we’re working from home it’s almost impossible not to get distracted. Avoid using social media or streaming Netflix, youtube videos in your work space.

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