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Top Free Figma Plugins in 2023

Figma plugin trends change weekly, so it is hard to keep track of which one would be best for you. Worry not! We have divided some of the Top Free Figma Plugins into several categories, ranging from the best to the latest. So without further ado, let’s go!
Figma is one of the best tools out there for designers, and if you use it frequently, then you surely need plugins. Installing plugins will make your design workflow much simpler.
Popular Figma plugins for 2023:
1. EightShapes Specs
The plugin automates the production process by creating design specifications for the selected section of your Figma components.
2. Mockup
The simplest, quickest, and most effective plugin for creating mockups. Simply choose a device and a frame, and your design will be displayed on the screen.
3. Arc
Arc, one of Figma’s most-wanted text features, is now available! You can create a curved text by extending it upwards, downwards, or into a circle. Isn’t it cool?
4. Iconscout
Here you will find customisable SVGs, Vector Icons, Illustrations, 3D Graphics, and Lottie Animations to help you with your projects.
5. Breakpoints
It shares the animated prototype and gives a preview of the layout inside the Figma frame. Collaboration is easy with this tool, as all team members can use it without installing the plugin.
6. Design System Organizer
The plugin allows you to copy the styles between the files and lets you bulk swap instances and styles between masters that share the same name.
7. Figma to React
This tool is handy for both designers and front-end developers. It helps export designs in the form of React codes.
8. QoQo
QoQo is your full-fledged AI assistant that helps you with UX copywriting, creating personas for your users, researching interview questions, and so much more!
9. Iconify
With the Iconify plugin, you can import vector shapes, Design Icons, FontAwesome, Jam Icons, EmojiOne, Twitter Emoji and many more. It had more than 100+ icon sets available.
10. Pattern Hero
This plugin gives you the power to easily create eye-catching visuals by combining the elements into patterns, grids, or textures.
Plugins are essential for Figma users because they allow designers to automate tedious tasks and access features that are not available in the core Figma platform. With plugins, we can create our own customised user interfaces, create interactive prototypes, and quickly create complex graphics.
These were our top-trending Figma plugins of all time. We hope you found our article helpful.
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