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10 key features you need to have on your website to make it more appealing

A successful website, not only looks good but also provides a seamless user experience for visitors.

If you’re planning on getting a website, might as well do it right and invest in the key features that will make it functional and effective. We’ve listed down 10 key features that will guarantee a user-friendly experience to help elevate your brand and convert visitors into customers.

1. Intuitive navigation 

The first step is planning a logical sitemap that will allow your visitors to easily navigate around your website. This is important because it improves your user experience and is good for SEO.

Having a drop-down menu in the main tab of pages makes it easier for visitors to go through your website’s pages and to click on their desired location from there. Name your pages so that they are easily understandable and arranged properly.

Including call-to-actions in strategic places is important. This makes sure your potential customers know where to go or what action to take once they’re in the decision-making process of engaging with your brand.

2. Optimized mobile experience

It’s no longer enough to have a website that looks and works great on laptops and desktop computers. To succeed in the online marketplace, you need to focus on your site’s mobile experience as well.

It’s imperative that your website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate no matter what type of device they use to access it.

3. Good and consistent visual design

The best way to make a lasting impression on your viewers is through good design. This has the most impact because it affects how you present your brand to your potential customers. 

Consistency means making everything match. Heading sizes, font choices, coloring, button styles, spacing, design elements, illustration styles, photo choices — you name it. Everything should be themed to make your design coherent between pages and on the same page.

4. Smooth user experience

E-commerce and small business owners often overlook the user experience of their website at large. They tend to obsess over SEO and CRO but don’t try to improve how easy their site is to use.

But a better, smoother experience can make all the difference. 

5. Quality content

Design Attracts, Copy Sells. Having attractive web design may get your audience’s attention, but the real challenge is getting them to stay. A well-written and compelling website copy is bound to get people interested and possibly, convert.

People often want good designs and interactive HTML effects on their websites but underestimate the value of good contents. Apart from being informational, the contents of your website have a high impact on your SEO ranking.

Ensuring quality content also commands respect and helps convince your potential customers that your company is professional, reliable and an expert in your field.

6. Informational footer

An informational footer is arguably as important as your header navigation. Once your visitor reaches the end of your homepage, this area should provide three features: contact information, links, and social media integration.

7. Seamless contact integration

Part of ensuring that your audience has a seamless user experience is by making it easy and hassle-free for them to contact you. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that when they click on the phone icon or the “Call Us” call-to-action, it should already be connected to the viewer’s phone. This will save them time from having to manually type in your phone number in their phone just so they can give you a call. Connecting email addresses to their email application makes it easier for them to send you an email if they want to

Pinning your address in Google Maps so that it’s easier for your audience to locate your office is also helpful. You could also consider integrating a chatbot. Though these things seem minor, they can highly contribute to converting browsers to enquirers when they are implemented.

8. Improved page speed

People don’t like to sit around and wait while a site loads up. A 5 second load time leads to a 38% bounce rate, and the longer it takes, the higher it gets. Having a website that loads fast is the first part of good user experience.

9. Conversion tracking

Some of the web designers don’t pay attention to the idea of tracking their visitors, knowing about inquiries and sales received by the website. Tracking user behaviour helps identify where your website is lacking and fix it for better conversions.

10. Search engine optimization

What’s the use of building an excellent website that cannot be found! Optimizing for search engines is one of the most powerful marketing tools on the internet. 70% of marketers see SEO as more effective than PPC. 

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